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Richard Mabbitt
Urban and Regional Development Planning and Management
National and Regional Planning
Cook Islands, National Infrastructure Investment Plan (Asian Development Bank)
Team leader for preparation of a national infrastructure investment plan for the Cook Islands Government. Undertaken under Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF). Infrastructure status assessment, demands analysis and development of prioritisation methodologies through extensive stakeholder participation.
Solomon Islands, National Infrastructure Investment Plan Implementation Review (Asian Development Bank)
Review of progress on National Infrastructure Plan. Individual consultant working within SI government to review progress on implementation of the Plan and to develop training materials for training in monitoring and updating the Plan.
Thailand, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Vietnam, Cambodia, PR China, Support for Regional Multi-sector Investment Framework for Greater Mekong Sub-region Development (Asian Development Bank)
Preparation of Urban Development Strategy for Greater Mekong Sub-region.
Research, data collection, preparation of key documents, organisation and management of country and regional workshops.
Lao PDR, Sector Assessment, Strategy and Road Map, Urban Sector
(Asian Development Bank)
Preparation of the Assessment Strategy and Road Map for the urban sector in Lao PDR, a key document guiding ADB and Government investment in the sector.
Solomon Islands, National Infrastructure Investment Plan (Asian Development Bank / Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility)
Team leader for preparation of a national infrastructure investment plan for the Solomon Islands. Undertaken under Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF). Review of infrastructure needs and development of prioritisation methodologies through extensive stakeholder participation. Working within Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination and providing advice to high-level National Development Strategy Task Force.
Cambodia, National and Regional Planning, (EU)
Development of national and regional planning system. Analysis of regional characteristics and needs. Proposed strategies for regions experiencing development pressures and design of pilot regional planning process, consistent with the national decentralisation programme.
Lao PDR, Small Towns Development Project, (ADB)
Preparation of national small town development strategy. Analysis of the towns’ potential in the sub-region and in their respective rural hinterlands, with an emphasis on poverty reduction and environmentally sustainable development.
Philippines, Clark Area Municipalities Project, (ADB)
Preparation of sub-regional planning framework for study area including ten municipalities adjacent to Clark Special Economic Zone in Central Luzon. The study area included the localities affected by the Mt Pinatubo eruption in 1991.
China, Yunnan Environmental Management Project, (DFID)
Preparation of environmental action plans for Yunnan Province, the capital city sub-region, and two secondary cities. Appraisal of planning system as a tool to achieve higher environmental standards. Review of existing environmental procedures and policies.
Hong Kong, Study of Harbour Reclamation and Urban Growth, (HK Govt)
Sub-regional study of the main urban area in Hong Hong. Re-appraisal and refinement of the land use strategy. Policies for squatter areas, urban re-development potential and special control areas.
Key to images:
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2004
Analysis of SE Region, Cambodia, 2005